B R I D P O R T  C O M M U N I T Y  K I T C H E N
Newsletter 2024

Homelessness in Bridport
Justin was born in Bridport. Having moved away as a child, he returned to the town when his circumstances changed, and he found himself homeless. Justin spent two winters sleeping rough. He started using the Community Kitchen two and half years ago, and during this time, we have been able to support him, and sign post him to services that could help his situation. Justin has made real progress; not only has he become an important part of the kitchen team, as a kitchen porter, but he is now on the verge of being housed by a local trust.

We are currently supporting a number of men and women of all ages, who are vulnerably housed.

Money Management & Budgeting Skills

Since the beginning of the year users of the Community Kitchen have been able to access a money coaching course run by one of the volunteers. The course has been designed by Christians Against Poverty (CAP) who have more than 25 years of experience and expertise in debt, poverty and the personal impact of finances. The course has been specially designed to help people transform the way they approach money. Participants can take the whole course or select from 9 modules and by the end of the course they should be able to: Build a successful budget and stick to it.
Keep track of their money in an easy and accessible way Avoid overspending and problem debt
Several of the users have started the course and more are interested as their circumstances change and become more stable. It’s important that everyone has enough to meet their own financial needs , but at Beacon Church we know money can’t satisfy our deepest needs. While the course is open to people of all faiths and none, we want to show those doing the course that God is interested in all areas of our lives, including our finances.


Community Support
Support for Bridport Community Kitchen comes in all forms, from food to financial donations. This year RISE bakery have donated bread, sandwiches and pastries on a weekly basis, and local allotments have donated vegetables.
Caroline Mcallister (Ladies golf captain) kindly nominated the Community Kitchen as her charity for the year and raised over £2,500. David and Bridget Bolwell (mayor and mayoress 2023-4) raised over £700.00, as well as raising awareness of what we do at the kitchen through their involvement with the Bridport’s Longest Scarf project.


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